References and Links

Heideman, M. a. (1985). Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform. Archive for History of Exact Sciences , 34, pp. 265-277.

Loizou, P. (1998). Mimicking the human ear. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE , 15 (5), pp. 101-130.

Marion, R. H. (1983, Junew). HISTOPATHOLOGY OF PROFOUND SENSORINEURAL DEAFNESS. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 405, pp. 459-484.

Shannon, C. (1949, Jan). Communication in the presensce of noise. Proc. Institute of Radio Engineers , 37 (1), pp. 10-21.

Tukey, J. W. (1965). An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series. Math. Comput. , 19, pp. 297-301.

History of Cochlear Hearning:

Older ears hear again with cochlear implants ( Oct. 2, 2008)